Have an Opinion – Part 1

Have an Opinion – Part 1


Written by Travis R. Rogers, Director of Software Engineering for Axispoint

Spend a little time around Axispoint and eventually you’ll hear someone extoll the virtues of “having an opinion”. Having an opinion is required in order to facilitate how we work, this is the first of 3 articles that define what we mean and discusses many of the related dynamics. Part 1 will begin the definition and provide some reasons that this technique is valuable.

Future articles separate from this series will provide specifics on how having an opinion facilitates other parts of our work style and environment (i.e. “Design is a Contact Sport” and “Design is a (benevolent?) Dictatorship”).

Truth: The “someone” mentioned above is often me, which might just be a way to justify my actions. Regardless, having an opinion has long been valued within Axispoint and although pervasive and perpetual; until recently, was more subconscious than manifest. Illogical…I know. This cultural practice, intentional or otherwise, is part of the Axispoint psyche and those with the courage to be heard, have a tendency to thrive. 

Truth: Not everyone considers having an opinion worthwhile and some will argue that the negatives (and there are negatives) outweigh any perceived benefits. I find this concept amusing since having an opinion about the relative value of having an opinion requires that the opinion about opinions is valuable.

Truth: There are 6 different English definitions of Opinion provided by the online Oxford Dictionary. From those, the definition this article refers to is, 

“A view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.”

That’s right, we accept and even expect that people will present opinions “…not necessarily based on fact or knowledge” because having an opinion is a process as well as a destination.

Truth: Opinions, in our world, include ideas, thoughts, points of view and etc. They will all be treated the same.

Truth: To those that know me, some of the rules or guidelines presented in this series will smell strongly of hypocrisy. Admittedly, I struggle to follow the rules but that doesn’t make the rules less valid, it just provides additional (or at least some) evidence that I am human.


Being surrounded by a bunch of opinionated people that are encouraged to bloviate, sounds like a big hairy free-for-all. That normally doesn’t transpire since traits like respect, honesty, capability and thick skin tend to minimize the anarchy. There is a cost in time, effort and patience that come along with this style but for us, the benefits far outweigh the costs.

1. Training, Education, Experience.

We are consultants and our clients expect us to express opinions defined as:

“A formal statement of advice by an expert on a professional matter.”

Providing well structured, fully thought out and tactfully stated opinions require training and practice. Seeing the way others think and approach solving problems expands each individual’s thought processes and makes us all more aware, respectful and thorough. The world is full of rough edges and stressful situations so having a safer environment to discover which personal and group strategies provide control and positive outcomes prepares people for providing the proper types of input and guidance when dealing directly with our clients. By hearing and understanding other opinions and having to reconcile them with our own, we learn how to listen, ask questions and ultimately understand each other and our clients better.

2. More Options (or Exponential Bits of Genius).

Our clients have imposing barriers that need addressed whether it be time, money, technology, complex dependencies, politics or all of the above. The combination of barriers and their specifics vary by client/project. Plus, clients generally know their domain better than us and have their own highly capable people addressing the issue. So how is it possible that Axispoint provides our clients the necessary leverage to dispel these barriers? There are several reasons but the one relevant to this topic is “Exponential bits of Genius”.

For various reasons it is common that in a group of a several people there is one or maybe two that dominate the process of identifying a solution. Simple math quickly shows the fault in that process. Let’s say there is a a group of 6 people discussing a sticky problem. If each person has 2 uniquely valuable ideas and one person dominates then you get 2 ideas but if everyone contributes, then you get 12 ideas or 600% more ideas. 

600% more ideas sound pretty good, but in the right environment, where multiple people are empowered and capable of contributing, the difference is much greater because each idea has the possibility of reacting with every other idea to make a new uniquely valuable idea. Back to our example, the math is 2^6 or 64 options which is 3200% more bits of genius!

Yeah, I know this is human activity and the result will not really be linear to the number of people/ideas, but the point is still valid. A few opinionated people with a broad cross-section of capabilities and experience working together will provide significantly more options.

3. More Complete Solutions.

It is rare that a single person can think of the best idea and consider all the risks and nuances in any complex problem. It is common however, that different people will focus on different aspects of the same plan, or that they advocate a different plan because of specific risks or challenges obvious to them. Ultimately when multiple people offer various opinions, some way forward has to be selected and will favor some opinions over others. By taking the time to understand the supporting reasons (whether logic or experience) for each opinion, adjustments can be made to optimize the benefit behind some ideas and minimize the risks behind others even when these opinions aren’t primary to the vision driving the plan.

4. Coverage.

It is literally impossible for one person to keep up with the state of all computer technology. Axispoint builds custom software and we approach our projects from a standpoint of being technology agnostic. While we have favorite technologies and techniques that influence us, our agnosticism guarantees that we won’t reject a technology out of hand because it’s not our preferred or most understood path. It is common that prior to our involvement our clients have been advised that they need to scrap existing work and rebuild it using “X”. We believe the primary reason to support a recommendation like this often boils down to the familiarity or expertise a particular vendor/person has with “X” technology. Internally we refer to this as being their hammer as in the adage, “If your only tool is a hammer then every problem looks like a nail”. Unfortunately, what is really happening in some circumstances is that the problem is clearly not a nail and rather than find or learn a more proper tool, the problem is replaced with a nail so that the hammering can commence.

By fostering an environment where people are capable of expressing their opinion, we don’t have to rely on one or two people to keep up with technology. Instead we spread the load which makes for wider and deeper coverage and is easy for Axispoint to bring proper solutions to bear effectively.

5. Consistency.

Our clients typically want our help implementing some manner of differentiation and advantage based on innovation. Additionally, every project has multiple potential paths to success. In fact, some of our projects that appear the same have successfully and properly followed dramatically different paths. There is one thing that every client expects from us on every project…efficiency. A key method of achieving efficiency, is through consistency or

“The quality of achieving a level of performance which does not vary greatly in quality over time.”

Opinionated vocal people, different project/client constraints, technology agnostic, custom software…it sounds a little like a recipe for madness and that efficiency through consistency is unlikely. Admittedly there is no single formula that anyone can possibly apply in the described circumstances. Regardless, Axispoint achieves consistency along with the resultant benefits through a variety of mechanisms and patterns that are empowered by our combined capacity to have an opinion. People at Axispoint at all levels use their voice to identify and leverage patterns that are appropriate to the circumstances. These could be technology patterns, process patterns or some combination, they could be patterns we have learned internally or externally and they can vary in scale from micro-patterns to patterns that almost reach formulaic project solutions. An example of a tried and true pattern that is used in many of our projects is our Hybrid Offshore model.

6. Other.

In a nod towards brevity I will list additional benefits of cultivating opinions and for the moment leave most of the detail to the imagination of the reader.

  1. Good Mental Exercise.
  2. You have one anyway, might as well voice it.
  3. Prepare to Innovate.
    1. Every innovation begins with the phrase “I believe” and the understanding that there is risk in acting on that belief.
  4. Garner Support.
    “…I am obliged to say to the American [technologist], ‘This is why you ought to do this’ and then [s]he does it.” 
    1. There is a quote from Prussian General Friedrich Wilhelm von Steubon who helped train George Washington’s troops during the revolutionary war. The quote itself targets American’s but it seems to fit most technologists of today and I think it is relevant,
  5. In our business, if you can’t explain the “Why” of something it is hard to gain support.
  6. Validate future and on-going plans.
  7. Being Involved and Heard is Fulfilling.

From House To Hotel – A Guide to Successful Scaling Code Organization

From House To Hotel – A Guide to Successful Scaling Code Organization


How should code be organized in an enterprise application?

By Mike Trzcianowski

Imagine you're a general contractor who has been hired to install a new fridge with an ice-maker at a single-family house.

Just from the outside, you notice that the house is a little strange. All the doors and windows seem to be on one corner of the house. You walk in and notice that the first room has 10 ceiling lights, 15 light switches on the wall and 30 electrical outlets, but otherwise it's empty. The room next to it has 4 sinks, 2 toilet bowls, 1 shower, a garden hose, etc. Another room is full of furniture with beds, sofas, chairs, desks and tables. 

You scratch your head and wonder. Where do you put the fridge? How do you connect the fridge to the outlet in one room and to the water pipe or sink in the other room?

This example illustrates the situation I usually encounter when I start working on an existing code base. The developers have organized the code and assembled in terms of data layer, business layer and UI. It's great, isn’t it?

Now, imagine you scale the same problem from a house to a hotel. You have 200 sinks in one room and 500 light switches in another room. The electrician is installing a new A/C unit but, well, his time is limited, so he hooks it up to the first electrical outlet he finds in the "electrical stuff" room. Then he runs a drainpipe to the first pipe in the "plumbing stuff" room. When he turns the A/C unit on it's a disaster.

Why do software developers do this? There are multiple reasons why this happens. Some of them are:

Reason 1: It’s easy to do organize code into layers but more difficult to organize by function.

A reasonably well-written class can be easily classified as data, business or UI layer. On the other hand, the same class could be used by multiple components and in such case it is more difficult to decide whether it belongs in one, the other, or maybe on its own. In other words, it’s easier to decide whether a piece of code belongs in one of three or four layer buckets, than in an undetermined number of feature buckets.

Reason 2: Developers assume that layer organization is equivalent to project or assembly organization.

That is not usually the case. In web projects, your UI might be a web page, whereas the business logic might be inside of a web service. However, the web service will usually include business and data logic. In 99.9% of the times, you don’t need a separate data layer assembly because you will not be supporting multiple interchangeable databases.

Reason 3: Most code examples and project templates are for simple projects. 

When starting a new project, you might see some folders created automatically for you, such as Controllers, Views, Repositories, etc. This may be sufficient for a small project or component, however, once you start adding multiple features, the basic structure no longer works because you have everything intermingled.

So, how should code be organized in an enterprise application?

Rule 1: Organize by feature and not by layer. 

Imagine you are adding a new shipping feature to an order processing system. If everything is organized by layer, you have to dig through the different classes and decide what you need from the data and business layers. On the other hand, if you organize by feature, you can easily find all the classes for managing orders and products in their respective areas.

The additional benefit, especially in an enterprise system, is that it’s easier for different components to have separate databases or even storage mechanisms. This is important because you can now distribute, scale, or test specific parts of the application without having to deploy the full application.

Rule 2: Separate layers by namespace and not by project or assembly.

It’s much easier and more efficient to deploy a single assembly that includes all the components for a feature, while deploying multiple layer assemblies when you really use only a subset of each. Use assemblies only when the code in each assembly is deployed independently.

Rule 3: Keep it agile. Keep refactoring.

Don’t overthink the organization. You may still begin with a single component with layers separate into folders or namespaces. But as you add different features to your application, you will need to rethink how the code is evolving. Don’t just throw new code into the layer folder. The same principles you apply to a class may be applied to a component. Encapsulate logic that relate to the component and push unrelated logic into separate components or namespaces — just think of the single-responsibility principle, but at a higher level.

In summary, what works well for a simple app, may get you in trouble with an enterprise solution. It’s easy to get complacent and not touch existing code. But that is a trap. You need to rethink the evolution of the application structure as you add more and more components. Having the code organized into layers is better than no organization at all. 

However, this isn’t enough for an enterprise application where components need to be reusable for different areas. Plus, don’t forget to think about the work involved in maintaining the application in the future. It takes effort to come up with a good organization for the code. The time spent now will pay dividends in the future. It’s a lot more difficult to come back to legacy code and figure out how all the classes are related to each other. Instead, organize the code as it is added and provide a visible structure that can be easily seen later without having to dig deep through the code.

Comment below to let us know your thoughts on successful code scaling and to find out more about our software development capabilities.

References and related articles:
“Features and Components” - http://scaledagileframework.com/features-components/
“Mapping software architecture to code” -http://www.codingthearchitecture.com/2013/04/08/mapping_software_architecture_to_code.html
“Package by Feature, not layer” - http://www.javapractices.com/topic/TopicAction.do?Id=205
“Scalable code organization in AngularJS” - https://medium.com/opinionated-angularjs/scalable-code-organization-in-angularjs-9f01b594bf06“Single Responsibility Principle” - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_responsibility_principle


Commercial Real Estate Success Story

Commercial Real Estate Success Story


Implementing a more productive work environment that minimizes costs and maximizes efficiencies.

1. Business Challenges

A leading commercial real estate broker and property owner serving multinational corporations, major space users, developers, owners, institutions, lenders and investors throughout the Tri-State area was hampered by out-of-date technology architecture and manual accounting procedures. They were in need of a real-time online operational and financial accounting system that could be integrated with a broker performance system in an effort to create more efficient business processes and workflow.

Business Challenges Overview:
• Unable to find an off-the-shelf software product that could account for the sophisticated and complex revenue process associated with highly customized commercial real estate transactions
• Legacy accounting processes were outdated and inefficient
• Financial reporting and commission calculations were delayed due to manual processes

2. Axispoint Solution

Axispoint business analysts consulted to fully understand the complex nature of commercial
real estate transactions, and the challenges associated with properly accounting for them efficiently. While there are several vendors that offer general accounting software, none offer a product designed specifically for accounting for complex real estate transactions from both an operational and financial point of view. Armed with both industry knowledge and technical
expertise, Axispoint architected and designed a complete system comprised of custom written and off the shelf software.

Axispoint customized the Microsoft Dynamics platform and developed an integrated custom .NET application to handle the complex broker commission rules. The application automates the entire real estate accounting process, calculates complex broker commissions, and generates the corresponding accounting entries that accompany each transaction. The system serves as a comprehensive and dynamic database that maintains the brokers, clients, deals, and properties that comprise the portfolio.

Axispoint Solution Overview:
• Architected an enterprise broker performance and financial accounting system comprised of both proprietary and off the shelf software
• Delivered a highly organized application that lists all brokers and properties, calculates appropriate broker commissions, and generates the corresponding accounting entries
associated with each real estate transaction

3. Business Value

Axispoint helped identify, map, and redesign critical finance processes, which brought a new level of sophistication to the entire organization. With the implementation of the system, the company can process accounting transactions and calculate commissions faster. Brokers can execute more business and serve their clients more effectively, and efficiently. The technology substantially reduces the effort and time required to properly account for deals and to collect receivables than the manual entry accounting system previously in place. The updated technology platform serves as a powerful recruiting tool for the company, illustrating the commitment to IT to both clients and prospective employees.

In addition to providing a more productive work environment, the system minimizes costs, since personnel increases are only associated with the demands of higher deal volume.

Business Value Overview:
• Business process redesign brings a new level of sophistication and efficiency to the organization
• Improves processing and calculating of commissions while reporting operational and financial information in a timely manner
• Provides brokers and the finance department a clearer vision of outstanding client invoices
• Allows the company to serve clients quicker, offering better quality of service and enhanced communication
• Improves the firm’s cash flow collections process
• State of the art system is a boon to recruiting brokers and clients




How Axispoint scales to meet your enterprise development needs

Program Level Oversight

In circumstances where multiple teams and work streams exist within an overall development plan, Axispoint staff key senior roles that have oversight and contact across the teams.

This usually consists of Program Management, Program Architect, and Program Analyst roles.  Our client will appoint a peer for each. These roles are not necessarily full time roles and often shared by individuals with other responsibilities within a specific development role/team. Local US-based resources typically staff these Program Level roles.

A Core Team That Can Be Supplemented With Specialists

Another major feature of Axispoint’s approach is the recognition that, while there is a core agile team that is engaged with the project on a daily basis, the team must also have ready access to expertise to supplement its core competencies.

For example, the team will include a competency in database development. However, there will be times when deep experience in database configuration and optimization is required.

In these cases, a specialist with the requisite background and skills can be called in to temporarily augment the team. Axispoint maintains an extensive pool of talented and experienced individuals who can mobilize quickly to supplement the team as needed.

Agile Ceremonies, Agile Tools

Agile Ceremonies, Agile Tools


Axispoint’s development methodology is firmly based in scrum techniques. Nevertheless, Axispoint takes a practical approach and has adapted it’s approach to align with best practices for a consulting company delivering quality software to our clients.

The overarching goal of our process is to maintain transparency, demonstrate progress, deliver functionality incrementally, adapt quickly to changing conditions and manage quality, to ultimately deliver the envisioned product.

Agile Ceremonies Are Strictly Adhered To

Rigorous application of agile helps maintain focus and discipline in geographically dispersed agile teams. Our experience has proven that full participation and communication with all team members in English across the various locations is a key attribute to our success.

  • Daily Stand-Up: 15 minute daily scrum attended by the project team and client Product Owner, to better team communication and identify issues
  • Sprint Planning: A 1-2 hour session at the beginning of a sprint where the project team and client Product Owner plan the goals of the upcoming sprint
  • Sprint Demo: A 1 hour demonstration of working software by the project team to client stakeholders at the end of the sprint to elicit stakeholder feedback
  • Sprint Retrospective: A 15 minute sprint review of benefits and failings to enable process improvement
  • Backlog Grooming: A weekly 1 hour backlog maintenance session for key team members (business analyst, UX designer, scrum master, tech lead, and client Product Owner) to review and manage the backlog

Collaborative and Agile Tools are Leveraged

The team is provided with the necessary tools and technologies to implement consistently effective agile deliveries. 

Distributed agile teams must take advantage of the full spectrum of tools, from web-based agile tracking tools like JIRA and VersionOne, to collaboration platforms like Confluence, to powerful and accessible voice and video conferencing systems in order to maintain the cohesion and focus that are the necessary conditions of high-quality output.

Hybrid Onshore – Offshore Teams

Hybrid Onshore – Offshore Teams

onshore and offshore windturbines.JPG

Axispoint senior, local staff fill key team roles,
offshore resources staff the majority of the team over time.

Many organizations have tried using offshore teams to do their development work – the cost benefits are compelling. However, these efforts have frequently been beset with problems of low quality, lack of consistency and late delivery. Axispoint has solved this problem by developing an approach that allows us to build cohesive and integrated teams that combine onshore and offshore resources.

Axispoint NYC-Based Staff Fills Key Team Roles

Local Axispoint staff plays key leadership roles in the hybrid teams. Specifically the scrum master, development lead, architect and business analyst are typically based in Axispoint’s NYC office.

Having local staff in these roles helps maintain clear and open channels of communication with clients and clear accountability within the team. Our local resources meet in-person on a regular basis to ensure there is no degradation of vision, message or direction.

Offshore Resources Form the Majority of the Team Over Time

Taking advantage of lower offshore rates means that the costs of the hybrid team are a fraction of the cost of a solely locally-based resources.

In addition, Axispoint benefits from a much wider talent pool to find the best fit for a specific project requirement.  The Axispoint local staff continue to fill key team roles, and offshore resources staff the majority of the team over time.  The ratio of resources changes as the team scales and the project matures, while the resources mix varies from project to project based on several factors.

T2 Computing and the Sports Broadcasting Fund: Supporting Our Own in Times of Need

T2 Computing and the Sports Broadcasting Fund: Supporting Our Own in Times of Need


T2 Computing and the Sports Broadcasting Fund: Supporting Our Own in Times of Need

T2 Release Logo 2.png

T2 Computing, an Axispoint company and a premier media industry VAR and Service provider is proud to announce a partnership with the SVG Sports Broadcasting Fund whereby 1% of the purchase price of all T2 Apple Web Store Mac®, iPad® and iPod® purchases made by those who register below will be donated to the Sports Broadcasting Fund. The Fund, founded by the Sports Video Group, is an industry fund that helps sports, news and other live broadcasting professionals in times of need with financial assistance and other types of support.

“T2 is proud to join with other SVG sponsors and supporters in helping the Sports Broadcasting Fund grow and continue to help those in need,” said Jerry Gepner, CEO of T2 Computing. “The men and women who provide us with the best television in the world deserve our thanks and support – especially in difficult times.”

By signing up, you will receive personal credentials that give you access to the T2 Computing Apple site so you can select from the entire range of Apple products. After you order, you will receive a personal contact from a T2 representative to confirm your order prior to it being processed. Participating in this program will not increase or decrease the purchase price of any qualifying product.

“On behalf of the Sports Broadcasting Fund and those we help I just want to say thanks not only to T2 Computing but also to their customers who register for this important program,” said Ken Kerschbaumer, Sports Broadcasting Fund, general manager. “The Sports Broadcasting Fund is a first-responder in a crisis, providing valuable financial support to help anyone in our industry get through difficult times as a result of injury, death, illness, or other personal misfortunes.”

To learn more about the Sports Broadcasting Fund or to donate or apply for aid please visit www.sportsbroadcastingfund.org today.

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Q&A With Axispoint's Dan DiSano On A Key Acquisition And Building Client Relationships

Q&A With Axispoint's Dan DiSano On A Key Acquisition And Building Client Relationships

Submitted by Rick Saia

The Channel Company/CRN.com/ITBestOfBreed.com

The Channel Company/CRN.com/ITBestOfBreed.com

The Payoff Of A 'Highly Complementary' Merger

Axispoint is on a roll. Earlier this year, the rising New York-based solution provider, which specializes in software development and consulting, acquired the venerable Tekserve Apple reseller brand, as well as its B2B subsidiary, T2 Computing, both of which delivered hardware and engineering expertise in the deal.

The acquisition, which took place in January, helped catapult Axispoint up and onto CRN's Solution Provider 500 list for 2017, where it's ranked at No. 301. (Both Axispoint and T2 are being maintained as separate brands.) More specifically, the T2 deal is designed to address the need in Axispoint's top customer vertical – media and entertainment – for a strong, end-to-end partner in content creation, management and monetization.

Axispoint's CEO, Dan DiSano (pictured), talked with ITBestOfBreed recently about his company and the impact of the acquisition. Click through to read what he had to say. (The interview was edited for brevity and clarity.)

How did the acquisition of T2 and Tekserve complement your offerings?
It's highly complementary. T2 and Tekserve are an infrastructure engineering firm and they build systems for major media, entertainment and sports companies, as well as others; anyone that's really dealing with content. So, from a vertical [industry] point of view, it was a strategic fit.

We had also been working with them for two years. We had done a project together for a major media company. The teams knew each other; that's always helpful. And then there's an intersection in an area called MAM: media asset management. We do customizations around media asset management. We do workflow development, where they kind of architect a media asset solution. They configure, they implement, they support thereafter. So, together now, we are kind of full service in that area.

So, in short, what that does is it's given you more of the technical chops to go along with your business development and business relationship-building skills.
What I would say is that the acquisition has given me scale, vertical dominance in entertainment, media and sports. It's given me depth and breadth of talent. It's also given us strength in the Tri-State [area of Connecticut, New York and New Jersey]; we're both headquartered in New York.

What business demands are driving the biggest opportunities for Axispoint today?
Clearly, content is king, and it's been not just media companies. You can be a financial services firm, an insurance firm, a pharmaceutical firm, and have real content needs. A lot of those firms actually have their own media and production departments because either they're building content for their consumers or for their internal teams. [That has] driven for us needs around developing and monetizing content, managing and maintaining and distributing content. So, for us, the boom for us is to have the content world explode. That’s directly relevant or related to consumers and how they're actually consuming media. And mobile has been a big driver. [It's] been an incredible driver for how consumers want and use content and media, which has driven both Axispoint and T2.

Prior to five years ago, IT in general [did] a lot of automation, cost reduction, gaining efficiency. There's always going to be a part of IT that’s [focused on] that. However, in the last five years, our clients have embraced – because their consumers have changed – disruption, innovation. Think of the work we're getting now … people, even Fortune 500 companies, are saying, "How do we disrupt our industry before someone else does?" So it's from the startup all the way up to large enterprise entities, [they're] figuring out they need to innovate before someone else does … and you’ve seen it in a number of markets.

The kind of business that we're getting is really kind of solving complex problems, which a company like mine loves. If you can solve your clients' most complex issues, you're going to be in it for the very long term.

When it comes to building relationships, what are the biggest things a company can do to enhance them?
First and foremost: Be truthful. Tell it like it is, when things are going well and when things are problematic. There is no such thing as a project that never has any bump in the road. There's always going to be something that comes up. And you have to be open and honest with your customers. If you do that, they will appreciate that. There are times when we'll turn business away. We'll work well with a company, and then they say, "Can you do this?" and it's something maybe out of our strike zone … So, if you're open and honest with your clients about what you really do well and what you don’t, and you have open communication, you'll feel a real difference in how the relationship goes.

A lot of our clients come from referral … People buy from people, so for us, it really is a people business, and we're open and honest with our customers.

And then at the end of the day, you have to deliver.

What are the best ways to stay ahead of the curve on technology?
There is no silver bullet on that. Technology, as you and I both know, is ever changing. Today, something will be different from yesterday. The way we do it is a … multi-pronged approach. For instance, we do have continual training and learning. That's important. For instance, T2 Computing has certifications with certain hardware and software manufacturers. We have certain certifications in software development. We go to conferences. [At a recent conference,] I met with about 25 startups, just personally. Meeting with their CEOs and learning what they're doing and where they see the market going. So, it's not just changing technology, it's how to use technology in a different way. We try to stay on top of both.

What are the most important qualities in someone you want to hire?
First of all, you want them to be talented at the position. If we're looking for a business analyst, that business analyst has to have strong analytical skills to be able to work with C-suite executives and translate business requirements to technical requirements.

But putting aside the actual skills, we look for good communicators: high integrity, open and honest. We look for people that want to work in a team environment, and everyone here has to love problem solving, because if you don’t, Axispoint and T2 Computing is not the right place.

Then, we really like people who work well in a team. And the most important thing when you hire is culture. I can't stress that enough. No matter what company you go to, make sure you fit with that culture and they feel their culture is a fit with you because that’s going to be one of the key factors in you being there a long time and succeeding.

T2 Computing Becomes Premier NY Source for Bay Microsystems’ Technologies

T2 Computing Becomes Premier NY Source for Bay Microsystems’ Technologies



T2 Computing Becomes Premier New York Source for Bay Microsystems’ Technologies

NEW YORK, May 25, 2017  - T2 Computing, Inc., an Axispoint company and a leading workflow, computing, storage and support provider to Media and Entertainment enterprises announces the signing of a Reseller and Support Agreement with Bay Microsystems. With the signing of the agreement, T2 Computing becomes the premier New York area supplier for the Bay Microsystems MaxDX™ and FX Series product lines.

Max Data Xchange™ (MaxDX) is designed to unleash the value of data assets by maximizing available bandwidth, minimizing data replication and data transfer between locations, resulting in optimal performance and operational efficiencies. It empowers organizations to streamline distributed workflows, improve productivity and enhance collaboration using data in place.

“As media workflows are evolving to embrace a hybrid cloud approach, technology that delivers very high speed WAN extension allows content creators to leverage assets in various locations as if they were local.” says Jerry Gepner, CEO of T2 Computing, Inc. “The Bay Microsystems technology enables production, editing and distribution of high quality content without regard to resource location; whether that resource is skilled creatives or centralized storage systems. T2 is very excited to bring this technology to our customers.”

Bay Microsystems, based in San Jose, CA, has a long history of designing technologies to speed and enhance data transfer. Since 2006, the company’s innovative offerings have made complex, distributed applications possible by increasing the value, accessibility and management of an organization’s data.

“The digital media and entertainment market is rapidly emerging as a critical vertical market for Bay’s suite of products given the large amounts of data that need to be shared between geographically distributed resources.”, stated Harry Carr, CEO and President of Bay Microsystems, Inc. “We are excited by the opportunity to collaborate with T2 and Axispoint to make our products part of their solutions for this expanding and constantly evolving marketplace.”

For more information about T2 Computing and Axispoint, visit: www.t2computing.com/services and www.axispoint.com

About T2 Computing, Inc.

T2 Computing is a New York-based creative technology VAR that specializes in workflow, storage and infrastructure solutions for all aspects of the media and content creation industry. T2 Computing brings extensive product knowledge and world-class engineering to the media and entertainment industry, allowing it to be a comprehensive solution provider. T2 Computing’s experience allows it to offer excellent system design and product sales, coupled with factory authorized Apple repair and custom configured Apple products and post-production systems for rental and temporary peak demand needs.

About Axispoint, Inc.

Axispoint’s team of passionate consultants and developers create technology solutions for leading businesses and their customers around the globe. As the “Heavy Lifters of Innovation,” we leverage human ingenuity, develop strategies, and build applications that empower our clients to evolve, grow, and shape the world according to their own vision. Our technology consulting and custom application development services enable companies to be agile, competitive, and innovative. Established in 1994 and headquartered in New York City, our talent pool is diverse and global, with technologists and developers across the US, Europe, and South America. We have been delivering award-winning solutions to our clients for over 20 years.

For more information about Bay Microsystems, visit:

About Bay Microsystems, Inc.

Bay delivers groundbreaking technology to enhance the value of data for commercial enterprises (e.g., media & entertainment, life sciences, cloud service providers and financial markets) while fueling mission agility within the federal government. Bay’s proven, unique solutions provide the means to collaborate across global teams with increased productivity, revenue and operational efficiencies by taking distance out of data.

T2 Computing Press Inquiries, contact:                   
Tami R. Parker                                                              
Axispoint, Inc.                                                                
(212) 920-2624                                                              

Bay Microsystems Press Inquiries, contact:
Kathy Perone
Bay Microsystems, Inc.
(908) 675-6868     

Axispoint Named One of 2016 Tech Elite Solution Providers by CRN

Axispoint Named One of 2016 Tech Elite Solution Providers by CRN

Tech Elite 250 list recognizes IT solution providers with deep technical expertise and premier certifications.

John R. Fillyaw
Axispoint, Inc.
(212) 920 – 2647

Axispoint, Inc. Named One of 2016 Tech Elite Solution Providers by CRN®
Tech Elite 250 list recognizes IT solution providers with deep technical expertise and premier certifications

New York, NY, September 6th, 2016 – Axispoint, Inc. announced today that CRN®, a brand of The Channel Company, has named Axispoint, Inc., to its 2016 Tech Elite 250 list. This annual list honors an exclusive group of North American IT solution providers with deep technical expertise and advanced technical certifications from leading technology vendors. 

To compile the annual list, The Channel Company’s research group and CRN editors work together to identify the most customer-beneficial technical certifications in the North American IT channel. Companies who have obtained these elite designations — which enable solution providers to deliver premium products, services and customer support — are then selected from a pool of online applicants. 

Since our inception, Axispoint has been committed to providing our team members with the highest quality of training and professional certifications. We believe this to be a key component in support of our company's core principles and values. Our devotion to continual learning affords us the ability to meet our business goals by enabling our most valuable resource — Our PEOPLE.

“The solution providers selected for our annual Tech Elite 250 list have demonstrated a commitment to excellence and gained strong industry credibility by earning some of the most difficult IT certifications available from top technology vendors,” said Robert Faletra, CEO, The Channel Company. “Attainment of these exclusive certifications strengthens the channel as a whole by invigorating partnerships and enabling the delivery of exceptional customer service. We congratulate each of these organizations and look forward to their continued success.” 

“We are thrilled to be recognized by The Channel Company as one of the 2016 Tech Elite Solution Providers” said Axispoint’s President and CEO, Daniel DiSano. “It is extremely gratifying to be bestowed this honor as a leading software development company amongst a very exclusive group of North American technology providers. I am so proud of our team, whose hard work, dedication and experience has again elevated Axispoint as one of the top technology companies in the world.” DiSano continued, “I congratulate our esteemed peers on the list, and I especially thank The Channel Company for their ongoing commitment to the IT industry.”

Coverage of the Tech Elite 250 was featured in the April issue of CRN, and online at www.crn.com. 

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About Axispoint, Inc.
Axispoint’s team of passionate consultants and developers create technology solutions for leading businesses and their customers around the globe. As the “Heavy Lifters of Innovation”, we leverage human ingenuity, develop strategies, and build applications that empower our clients to evolve, grow, and shape the world according to their own vision. Our technology consulting and custom application development services enable companies to be agile, competitive, and innovative. Established in 1994 and headquartered in New York City, our talent pool is diverse and global, with technologists and developers across the US, Europe, and South America. We have been delivering award-winning solutions to our clients for over 20 years. www.axispoint.com

Axispoint, Inc. Contact:
John R. Fillyaw
Axispoint, Inc.
(212) 920 – 2647

About the Channel Company
The Channel Company enables breakthrough IT channel performance with our dominant media, engaging events, expert consulting and education, and innovative marketing services and platforms. As the channel catalyst, we connect and empower technology suppliers, solution providers and end users. Backed by more than 30 years of unequaled channel experience, we draw from our deep knowledge to envision innovative new solutions for ever-evolving challenges in the technology marketplace. www.thechannelco.com

CRN is a registered trademark of The Channel Company, LLC. The Channel Company logo is a trademark of The Channel Company, LLC (registration pending). All rights reserved.

The Channel Company Contact:
Melanie Turpin
The Channel Company
(508) 416-1195








Combined Expertise Creates a Company with Skill and Scale

NEW YORK, JANUARY 31, 2017 — Axispoint, a leading software-development and consulting firm announces the acquisition of T2 Computing, Inc., a well-established computing, storage, networking and support provider. The combined company has strong expertise in media, entertainment and sports and offers solutions in other core verticals including finance and insurance, healthcare and technology. In addition, the acquisition is designed to address the media and entertainment industry’s pivotal need for a strong, end-to-end partner in the content creation, management and monetization processes. The combined deep expertise of Axispoint and T2 Computing immediately positions the company to provide comprehensive solutions designed to meet the largest and smallest IT and content challenges.

With a 20-plus year history of creating software solutions ranging from websites and mobile applications to full enterprise-level business systems for global media and business customers, Axispoint’s acquisition of T2 Computing allows the combined companies to offer a single vendor solution for complete project and process management. This eliminates the need for multiple vendors and the challenges associated with coordination and management.

“In large part, the industry has been forced to piece together total solutions from multiple providers,” says Jerry Gepner, CEO of T2 Computing, Inc. “For the media and entertainment industry, we think our value proposition is really powerful – eliminating the pain point of a piecemeal approach and substituting it with a solution that supports project inception to completion.”

With combined revenues in the $75 million - $100 million range, the new company can offer customers efficiency of scale in application development and engineering services, software design, creation, rollout and full lifecycle management along with hardware products and support services.

“As media firms in broadcast, film and music need help managing digital assets, customizing software and building workflows, they're increasingly turning to IT companies with the expertise in both infrastructure and applications,” says Dan DiSano, CEO and President of Axispoint. “With the combined offerings of Axispoint and T2 Computing, we now have the ability to increase our service line in this client space and create the customized, seamless solutions that these companies need.”

For more information about Axispoint and T2 Computing, visit: www.axispoint.com and  http://www.t2computing.com/

About Axispoint, Inc.

Axispoint’s team of passionate consultants and developers create technology solutions for leading businesses and their customers around the globe. As the “Heavy Lifters of Innovation,” we leverage human ingenuity, develop strategies, and build applications that empower our clients to evolve, grow, and shape the world according to their own vision. Our technology consulting and custom application development services enable companies to be agile, competitive, and innovative. Established in 1994 and headquartered in New York City, our talent pool is diverse and global, with technologists and developers across the US, Europe, and South America. We have been delivering award-winning solutions to our clients for over 20 years.

About T2 Computing, Inc.

T2 Computing is a New York-based creative technology VAR that specializes in workflow, storage and infrastructure solutions for all aspects of the media and content creation industry. T2 Computing brings extensive product knowledge and world-class engineering to the media and entertainment industry, allowing it to be a comprehensive solution provider. T2 Computing’s experience allows it to offer excellent system design and product sales, coupled with factory authorized Apple repair and custom configured Apple  products and post-production systems for rental and temporary peak demand needs.

Axispoint Press Inquiries, contact:
Tami R. Parker
Axispoint, Inc.

T2 Computing Press Inquiries, contact:
Rose Guarino
D. Pagan Communications, Inc.
631.659.2309 ext.19